The exclusive story, which was published in the Monday and Wednesday editions of the Daily Sun was said to have unsettled the military authorities in Abuja, who ordered an immediate and thorough investigation into the incident. A reliable source in the family told Daily Sun yesterday that three police officers from Ogbere Onilanta Police Station had accompanied the victim and his parents to the Mokola Barrack of the Nigerian Army, where the victim and his father were interrogated for about four hours. The soldiers were said to have been deployed to the Olorunsogo PHCN office from the 81 Battalion, Mokola.
The victims and his father were also asked to make separate statements, apart from the one they made at the police station on Monday. No fewer than eight senior Army officers and six military police were said to have later accompanied the victim and his parents to the scene of the incident at about 9:00 p.m. for an on-the-spot assessment and verification of the boy's statement.
"We couldn't get home until 11:00pm on Tuesday. We were happy with the way the Army officers handled the matter. In fact, we were impressed. We thought they would bully and shout us down. They told us they have been under pressure since your newspaper (Daily Sun) broke the story. We are grateful to them and to The Sun Newspapers too," the boy's father said.
He stated that the military officers said they were expecting the medical report on the boy, which had been undertaken at Adeoyo State Hospital, Yemetu and a reference letter from the police authorities to enable them forward the report of their investigations to Army Headquarters, Abuja for necessary action.
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