Amidst the sadness and shock over the fatal Aurora, Colorado shooting at a Dark Knight Rises screening early Friday morning, many celebrities have taken to Twitter to express their sympathy for the victims and their families.
Many have also used this as an opportunity to push for stricter gun laws, an area in which President Barack Obama has been considered a total failure by The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
Here is a sampling of star Tweets on the matter. Read through them and share your take with us now:
Cory Monteith: guns don't kill people, people do etc.. but until we can fix society somehow you probably shouldn't be able to buy AR-15's at a fishing shop ... such a senseless tragedy. when are we going to reconsider the role of guns in society? how many more times does this have to happen?
Susan Sarandon: The right to bear arms was referring to muskets. Maybe it's time to re-think our gun policy on this day of slaughter in Colorado.
Piers Morgan: Lunatics like this will always try and get guns. It should be 100,000 times harder than it is for them to do so. That's my point.
Miley Cyrus (in a retweet): Less guns = less psychopaths who can get guns = less innocent lives lost....seems pretty obvious to me.
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