
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Romney begins speech, gracious in defeat so far

Governor Mitt Romney has put on a brave face, graciously congratulating Obama and saying he prayed that he would be able to guide the nation properly. He also thanks Paul Ryan, saying that he “was the best choice he made after Ann”

After thanking his wife, children, volunteers and everyone else who helped him on his campaign, Romney calls for an end to partisan politics, saying that the nation was at a critical point, and that this was not a time for partisan bickering. “I so wish I had been able to lead you and this country in a different direction, but the nation chose the other candidate, and I earnestly pray for him”, he said.

Romney added that despite his defeat he believed that principles endured, adding that the principles that founded the country would life the country out of the economic quagmire that it presently found itself in.

Still More To Come... Stay with CODED-ish

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