Some more facts:
1. Her drummer has the number 13 on his drums
2. She turned 13 on the 13th of July.
3. She claims the number 13 brings her good things.
4. If she’s at an award show, and the number 13 doesn’t pop up, she knows she’s not going to win an award.
5. Her first album went Gold in 13 weeks.
6. She put the number 13 on the door of her tour bus.
7. Her first number one song, had a 13 second intro.
8. When the number 13 appears or like when she is seated in the 13th row or row M (M is the 13th letter) in an award show, she claims she has won.
9. and the most interesting, her initiation was held on 13/09/09 (September 13th, 2009) at the VMA awards. Remember that she has said when the number 13 has significance on the day of an award show, she wins an award. That day she won the “Best New Artist” award.
Is this actually true?