Balotelli's two uncles and aunt
The Ghanaian extended family of Manchester City striker Mario Balotelli has joined persistent pleas from his biological parents that he should return to them.
Mario is a top striker whose transfer value has soared to £52million and though he was born to Ghanaian parents, Rose and Thomas Barwuah, on August 12, 1990, he was adopted by foster parents at age three because of medical reasons.
He was born in Palermo, a city in Southern Italy and was adopted by Italians.
There are two versions to the story of how Mario got adopted by Italian foster parents, the Balotellis.
Mario said in an interview that he was abandoned in a hospital by his biological parents, the Barwuahs.
They have denied this claim and insist that because they did not have enough money to foot his consistent medical bills due to his health conditions, the Balotellis offered to adopt Mario on a temporary basis but never brought him back.
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