Usually Tom Cruise is a pretty reasonable kind of guy, unless you incur his all-consuming wrath that is. Life & Style magazine have it seems by publishing an article earlier this year, shortly after his split from Katie Holmes, which had the headline: ‘Suri in Tears: Abandoned by Her Dad’, alongside a picture of Tom’s daughter in tears.
Understandably this angered the actor quite a lot and now he’s taking legal action against the publication, he’s hoping to seek damages of around $50million. His lawyer commented:
‘Tom is a caring father who dearly loves Suri. She's a vital part of his life and always will be. To say he has 'abandoned' her is a vicious lie. To say it in lurid headlines with a tearful picture of Suri is reprehensible."
He added: ‘Tom doesn't go round suing people. He's not a litigious guy. But when these sleaze peddlers try to make money with disgusting lies about his relationship with his child, you bet he's going to sue.’
Rather than throwing the wads of cash in an empty pool and diving into it a la Scrooge McDuck style, if he wins Tom apparently intends to donate all the money to charity.
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