When labour met her that day, Maryamu Bala, as all expectant mothers do, expected to be delivered of a normal healthy baby.
After a few hours, the child was delivered in the wee hours of Friday. It came out like every other child except that, unlike other children, it had a third limb with complete features of human legs.
It was observed that the baby’s third leg which sprung out at its waist, has the complete features of human limbs except that it looked smaller than the two normal legs.
Not surprising however, residents of the community, most of who confessed to seeing the situation for the first time in their lives, reportedly thronged into the house of Mallama Maryamu to catch a glimpse of the baby, which most of them described as one of the wonders of almighty God.
“We marvelled at the sight of another limb and were at first taken aback but then, we consoled ourselves with our faith in almighty Allah and the belief that He can do whatever He wishes” Malama Hadiza Galu, 33, a resident of Sabon Garin Kuraye, said.
Although hospital officials had certified both the baby and the mother to be in “sound health”, residents of the area described the situation as rare even as some appeared filled with awe as they gazed at the sight of the baby.
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