A True Story...
I met this guy whom I really really liked. We have been together for months now and it feels right; We talked about sex and decided to wait for the right time. Yesterday night felt like the right time, we went out clubbing, had a few drinks, went back to his apartment and after French kissing for a while, it was very obvious where things were leading to. To cut the long story short, it happened.
He was so so good, we both must have ‘climaxed’ about 3 times together and he still had an erection. I actually was so tired, I had to tell him I had had enough (in a nice way of course). I woke up the next morning smiling and wondering where he had been all my life. I stared at my very handsome boyfriend, who held me so tight in bed and was smiling in his sleep. I decided to rush off to the loo quickly and carefully untangled myself from his arms. I went to the loo and found Viagra pills in the bathroom.
These happenings are true...
CODED-ish Says... Shine Your Eyes GIRLS.
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