Here’s what Toni said about getting married again.
Do you hope to remarry?
Definitely. Everybody knows that about me that I’m definitely trying to remarry. I’m hopelessly romantic, I believe in the institution of marriage. I grew up in a family and my family was very close. I grew up with family morals. I want that for my kids.
I believe my kids should grow up in a home, not a house. Definitely, I do plan on getting married again, one day, very soon, yes, hopefully. If I find the right guy, I would definitely be doing that.
What lessons have you learnt from that botched relationship?
Now, I’m going to be a little bit more careful. I would watch carefully and instead of just following my heart, I would do so with my brain. When you are younger, you are likely to make mistake, but I have realized that life doesn’t work like that. Now, I would look at the basics. What do you want? Five, 10 years from now, where do you see yourself ? I would ask all those questions. Anybody that tries to talk to me today, maybe, telling me ‘I love you’ and all that, I will ask the person some questions. If you don’t love me, don’t say that to me. If you are able to answer those posers and your answers tally with mine, then we can go ahead; if not we call it quit.
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