How did you come about the name Teju Babyface and for how long would you want it to stick?Well, as the Bible says, 'the vision is yet for an appointed time'. So, the name Babyface is for an era. Who knows? Perhaps, we begin to approach the end of that era where 'Babyface' is the substantive element of my name. After all these days I refer to myself as Teju Babyface Jacobs.
You were a face to reckon with in the movie, Diamond Ring, and doing well in acting. However, you have diversified into comedy and now TV presentation; would you still go back into acting?
About movies, the truth is that contrary to what you may think, I don't like to act that much. Maybe comedy has spoilt me. You see, in comedy there are no do-overs. No second takes and repeat renditions of the same joke in the same gathering. The longest event is never more than seven hours. Movies take weeks!!! So, I'm involved with comedy and my show, strictly for now.
So bye to acting for life?Kind of.
So bye to acting for life?Kind of.
How many movies did you feature in before turning a stand-up comedian and now a TV personality?Just one movie, Diamond Ring.
Really, but you did so good in the movie?Well, but my passion belongs to comedy and the TV show.
What challenges did you face while coming up?The challenge was that at the time I was starting out, my brand of comedy seemed to be before its time. When you add a baby face's look to that, it was fairly hard to break through on some stages. I had to do twice the work most times. What used to bother me was that I had to keep proving myself over and over again. Having said that, however, the challenges are there so that they can be surmounted, yes? I am glad for the issues I had to deal with as they were the pointers that led me in the direction that I now travel.
How would you rate the comedy industry when you started out and now?Apparently, we have grown. There were less than 10 established acts when I started out and now the comedians are numbered in hundreds. However, as Ali Baba always says, water and oil always find their levels. The industry and the paying public are quite astute in separating wheat from the chaff and only the truly gifted and industrious make it to the higher echelons of widespread acceptance.
If you were elected as the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, what would be your major primary assignment?Elected president? There's so much that needs doing around here, so that question is not quite as straightforward as it would appear. Let's put it this way; I would do what needs doing, regardless of whose ox is gored! I will blindly forge on with our collective vision as a people and ruthlessly relieve those who cannot keep up with their duties. People will be appointed to government on merit and track record, only if am president! No sentiments.
With all these breath-taking records of accomplishment, what's your most cherished honour?Breathtaking accomplishment sha! You are psyching me out abi? Well, there's yet such a long way to go. We have dreams of the revolution of the African Television and screen industry. If you look at where we are at the moment, through the eyes of that vision, you will find that we are still using 'spoons to fill a barrel, so to speak. Still, one has to be able to count current costs and give thanks. I thank God for the acceptance of our show by viewers. That has to be the greatest achievement or the most-cherished honour as you put it.
What is that edge that stands you out among your colleagues?Stands me out? You, tell me. You are the consumers that I sell my services to, so you are, perhaps, in the better position to tell me. What I can say is that I discovered (quite by omission and some commission too) that one has to work to his strengths and it was increasingly obvious that my gifts lay in some level of fluency with the English Language. Therefore I started to pursue that course, not knowing where it would lead exactly.
What’s your take on marriage?Hmm, quite unfortunate I don't have my Bible here. I would have liked to quote directly from the verse that says something to the effect that “one shall chase thousands and two shall chase 10,000”. Again the book of proverbs says that “an inheritance can be gotten from parents but only God gives a man a good wife”. Ergo, you probably need to find your friend and marry her. You must find her. Its imperative. How do I surmise? Well, the Bible also said God said, “it isn't good for a man to be alone”, Yeah! However, as I have said earlier, the vision is yet for an appointed time.
What do you think is the real cause of break-ups in celebrity marriages?Well, what can we say? Marriage is tough! I really can't claim to have any accurate or inspired insights as to why people split in a marriage. I am thoroughly unqualified to offer any opinions, seeing how I am not even married. Maybe, you should ask me in five years time?
How do you cope with your female fans as a superstar?Same way you cope. Every one has admirers you know. Let me rephrase that; every seemingly successful man (or woman for that matter) has fans. How do you cope? Well, keep your eye on the ball.
Develop tunnel vision! (Laughs).
It's obvious that Teju is waiting to have a 'Manface' before taking a woman to the aisle; what's your opinion?We all feel the stirring in our souls to marry at different times, therefore, if I had to say just one thing on the issue, I will say 'listen to your Creator and your soul. You will know when it’s your time to marry your friend”.
Are you a romantic person?All of us are on some level I think. I can be creative when I am in love, that I can tell you for free. My goal is to always surprisingly shock the object of my affections. Do things for her that she didn't see coming.
What is the dirtiest thing you have ever done before?When I was in JSS1, in boarding house, I lost my toothbrush and didn't brush my teeth for almost two weeks! Yuk! My mouth was heavy and coated over but I had more pressing concerns like hunger, so I couldn't care less! (laughs)
What dictates your fashion sense?Concerning fashion, I am very particular about fit, fabric and colours. If the fabric is good and it fits your form, combine the colours with class and you can stand before kings.
You do more of suits and corporate outlook in an industry where most of your colleagues wear casuals?Well, my fashion style is one of the things that have carved a niche for me in the industry. Everyone has his own fashion sense and corporate outlook is my brand. However, dressing casual does not make others less important, its just their style. But some of us do corporate, like Ali Baba, Gordons, AY and some others.
What are your regrets in life?Regrets? None really. If at all, I wish I had listened to God more explicitly on certain issues. Still God will always do forgive us and to see all of us through. If we know how to ask for them sha o.
What is that thing you detest so much that you can’t be caught doing?I will not be caught molesting someone weaker; not women, not children and definitely not people who cannot defend themselves. What am I saying sef? I won't be caught molesting anyone! I abhor violence of any kind completely!
What is your own definition of sex?God's gift to lovers whose relationship is legitimate in his sight.
You mean between married couples?Yes, legitimate
What's your weakness?Weakness as sons of men have them, you know. A propensity to always do that which harms you on the long run. One is always tempted to drop discipline now and again and go on a self- indulgence spree.
It never leaves, you know? The feelings and the temptations; always there, lurking, waiting, knocking, breathing down your neck. You should read 1 Corinthians 10;12-13 “let he that thinkest he stand take heed, lest he falls Something akin to that.
You speak more with the word of God, are you a born-again Christian?By their fruits we shall know them. I am a child of God, a believer and I abide by His words but with His grace.
Can you tell us what we don't know about Teju Babyface?The things about me you don't know? Let me see o. First, I am quite shy. Secondly, I don't like going out. I am a homebody. Third, I am a romantic at heart; one man, one woman, kpam person! Fourth and probably the most important of all, God's word is the way. None shall succeed without His leading and directions.
How do you cope with your female fans as a superstar?Same way you cope. Every one has admirers you know. Let me rephrase that; every seemingly successful man (or woman for that matter) has fans. How do you cope? Well, keep your eye on the ball.
Develop tunnel vision! (Laughs).
It's obvious that Teju is waiting to have a 'Manface' before taking a woman to the aisle; what's your opinion?We all feel the stirring in our souls to marry at different times, therefore, if I had to say just one thing on the issue, I will say 'listen to your Creator and your soul. You will know when it’s your time to marry your friend”.
Are you a romantic person?All of us are on some level I think. I can be creative when I am in love, that I can tell you for free. My goal is to always surprisingly shock the object of my affections. Do things for her that she didn't see coming.
What is the dirtiest thing you have ever done before?When I was in JSS1, in boarding house, I lost my toothbrush and didn't brush my teeth for almost two weeks! Yuk! My mouth was heavy and coated over but I had more pressing concerns like hunger, so I couldn't care less! (laughs)
What dictates your fashion sense?Concerning fashion, I am very particular about fit, fabric and colours. If the fabric is good and it fits your form, combine the colours with class and you can stand before kings.
You do more of suits and corporate outlook in an industry where most of your colleagues wear casuals?Well, my fashion style is one of the things that have carved a niche for me in the industry. Everyone has his own fashion sense and corporate outlook is my brand. However, dressing casual does not make others less important, its just their style. But some of us do corporate, like Ali Baba, Gordons, AY and some others.
What are your regrets in life?Regrets? None really. If at all, I wish I had listened to God more explicitly on certain issues. Still God will always do forgive us and to see all of us through. If we know how to ask for them sha o.
What is that thing you detest so much that you can’t be caught doing?I will not be caught molesting someone weaker; not women, not children and definitely not people who cannot defend themselves. What am I saying sef? I won't be caught molesting anyone! I abhor violence of any kind completely!
What is your own definition of sex?God's gift to lovers whose relationship is legitimate in his sight.
You mean between married couples?Yes, legitimate
What's your weakness?Weakness as sons of men have them, you know. A propensity to always do that which harms you on the long run. One is always tempted to drop discipline now and again and go on a self- indulgence spree.
It never leaves, you know? The feelings and the temptations; always there, lurking, waiting, knocking, breathing down your neck. You should read 1 Corinthians 10;12-13 “let he that thinkest he stand take heed, lest he falls Something akin to that.
You speak more with the word of God, are you a born-again Christian?By their fruits we shall know them. I am a child of God, a believer and I abide by His words but with His grace.
Can you tell us what we don't know about Teju Babyface?The things about me you don't know? Let me see o. First, I am quite shy. Secondly, I don't like going out. I am a homebody. Third, I am a romantic at heart; one man, one woman, kpam person! Fourth and probably the most important of all, God's word is the way. None shall succeed without His leading and directions.
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