And what are those things?
1. Don’t Buy A Big Car!

If you are working in a big company and getting a fat pay, they will believe that you slept with top managers and decision makers in the company to secure the job and to have attained such a high position. And if you are in the entertainment industry, oh hell…yours is the worst because they already see what some unworthy ladies in the entertainment industry are doing, so you dare not convince them that you are different, and in fact, they won’t even give you a chance because before they even approach you, their mission is always to- sleep with you and go because you are not good to be kept or because you are not a wife material.
We all know that this isn’t true, but before you have a chance to explain yourself, the men have already judged and sentenced you to a life imprisonment without any chance of justice, so avoid buying luxury cars if possible, unless you want to remain single, or you want to be a single mother or end up marrying the wrong guy who is most times after your material possessions, or don’t you know that men now dig for gold too?
2. Avoid Living Alone!

3. Don’t Dress Too Flashy or Indecent!

Remember, you will definitely get more than enough admirers wishing to smash you, wishing to have their own share of the national cake in between your legs, but most of them won’t dare take you to their mama except you get them trapped, and even if you do, that means you are in for an unhappy marital life forever or ready to divorce.
Dress modest, look cute, dress sexy, but please tune down on those hot legs, hot ass, hot boobs dress…they may be ruining your chances of meeting that Mr. Right.
4. Love God But Don’t Be A Church Fanatics!

You know, our Nigerian brothers believe that after messing around with so many men during their youthful ages and playing and turning down on guys, Nigerian ladies usually run to CHURCH to find husband by pretending to be born again and holy-holy sister, and this now scare so many Nigerian guys because they don’t believe in: OLD THINGS HAVE PASSED AWAY, BEHOLD, EVERYTHING IS NEW! In fact, they prefer your past more than your present, lol.
5. Avoid Feminist Utterances or Characters!
You will see them hailing ladies who stand up for their female rights, but hey sister, don’t be deceived, Nigerian men hate that word- feminist! So avoid sending out signals that shows that you are a feminist.
My husband must join me in cooking at the kitchen! You better shut it if you want them to come chasing you with a ring…but if you want it the other way, keep singing it like chorus and watch out.
In summary, google the word- feminist or feminism and research more, and then avoid characters and attitudes that makes you appear like one, if you want to get married soon.
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